"This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play."
Alan Watts (English Writer and speaker)
From the first time I saw Carlos Alcaraz Garfia, I knew he was destined for greatness. He was only 18 years old back then. His grit, good attitude, hard work, playfulness, and other great qualities stood out as unique. On Sunday September 11th, 2022 (what a memorable date) Alcaraz won The US Open, one of the four Grand slams, the great Tennis competitions that occur every year. Most players don't win these big events. Alcaraz won the tournament at the age of 19. He is the youngest to do that since Pete Sampras, another great Tennis legend. Consequently, he became number one in the world, the youngest ever to do so! What is his secret?
Take a look at this amazing video.
I am a Tennis fan, yet I am not an expert, so I will try to write about it from my perspective.
Alcaraz understands it is a game, not a war. It won’t be the end of the world if he loses.
I never saw him, shouting, breaking his racket, or any sign of losing his temper.
Before the big game, when he won his first title, he said, “I will do my best to win, and if not, that is also ok, it is just a game.”
That is why you can see him standing against a Match point (if he doesn’t win that point it is game over, he loses) and he is smiling - loving the moment, not dreading it. Who does that?
People who understand that it is a game.
It is the same with running a business .It is a game. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down. Choose your attitude and keep doing your best. Keep growing every day and learn new things. You can always do more. Be proactive and instead of complaining try outside the box thinking. There is always more you can do. And don’t forget to do it with a smile.
I was in that situation many times. The biggest moment I remember was while being CEO of my company (I also had a partner) while the high-tech bubble burst. It was the year 2000. I knew then that I was playing a big game of Monopoly. It helped me not only to survive these 2 rough years (2000-2001) but to double my company. Did I smile? Maybe, possibly, for sure I am smiling now 😊 When I got to know about Fish! Philosophy, not only have I embraced it to myself and my company, I also used it, later, in my coaching business. One of the key elements of the Fish! Philosophy is Play, and together with the other three: Choose your attitude, Be there and Make their day, makes a strong philosophy for every business.
I believe Carlos Alcaraz has all 4 components, although I am not sure he heard about the Fish!.
Not surprisingly most of my clients are using “Enjoy” or “Have fun” as part of their company values. I strongly believe there is a strong correlation between having fun, playing, and having a great attitude, and being successful in business. We are in turbulent times. Covid19 is still a factor, supply chain, Inflation and maybe a recession. What are you, the business owner, going to do about it?
Play! Be proactive (Stephen Covey, the 7 habits of highly effective people), choose your attitude and enjoy every day.
"The secret of joy in work is contained in one word – excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it."
Pearl S. Buck